In the not too distant past Bessie was the unfortunate victim of a misdirected log and her back window was the casualty ( actually it was probably better described as a fatality). We have a “no blame policy” here on the ranch so I’m unable to name the perpetrator (but Quatre was assigned the project of replacing the shattered glass !)
I am now firmly convinced that there is a conspiracy to build an ark. Looking out the window this morning, it would appear that construction had better be soon. The rain is falling, the sky is grey, the pond level is rising, the horses have got their rain sheets on and I have a bad hair day….this is Summer ?
Greg and the team have been moving logs that have fallen through the years, maple cedar and alder which have been stored by nature but now are designated for fire wood or lumber and poor Bessie, our weary, beat up, work horse was put to work. Greg, Quatre and Carla became lumberjacks for the day, chaining cutting and loading the huge logs onto the truck. Poor Bessie got it again…one particularly heavy log, reluctant to be relocated from the forest bed redesigned her tailgate. Once again, “no blame policy” comes into force…but I guess Greg’s going to have to re bend it !!! Girls, that is NOT the way to do it !!
Lamb Chop appears to have responded to treatment and after a butt wash this morning the happy whether was returned to the flock who were sadly indifferent to his absence. Macho the buck, usually testosterone charged and busy investigating possibilities regardless of species is hurting. Our first suspicions were that he had become over familiar with young heifer Hol-ley and had suffered the consequences of a well aimed and much deserved cow kick but we are now considering the possibility that his infirmity is not the result of a lustful misadventure. Last night the the team treated a reluctant Macho to a battery of tests to try to establish the cause of his problem, a thermometer was put under a not very happy buck’s tail, all his joints were tested, his feet were checked and he was administered a shot of something to alleviate his pain, Macho the buck isn’t going to be a very co operative patient and today we all smell like a buck in rut which is BAD !
Time to move, I have some studying to do. I have my Naturalization interview this month and I have to acquaint myself with the Constitution and US administration. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Take care, keep safe,