I think maybe I was having a blonde moment on a visit to our Cenex feed store at the weekend. Maybe it was shock that I purchased a chocolate bar to benefit the local scout group, had a guilt attack ( my nutritionist has put me on a very low carbohydrate diet !!! that’s almost as bad as denying me a big juicy steak) and donated it back to the very ardent badge bedecked boy scout touting a pyramid of chocolate bars. I could have inhaled that chocolate bar with all it’s sugar and bad stuff, I could have been in a happy sugar saturated heaven…. but I gave it away…and I SO regretted my self control!!!! Still fighting not to go and grab it back I wandered aimlessly out to our truck… actually I passed our truck….apparently ignored Greg’s calls and all but climbed into the door of a similar coloured truck. It has to be said the chosen vehicle was MUCH cleaner than our ranch truck, probably didn’t smell of damp dog, animal feed and the manure pile…and definitely didn’t have Greg behind the wheel. I returned to reality when a very nice smiling stranger cordially asked me if I would like a ride. Chocolate was forgotten in my embarrassment as I scurried back to our grubby smelly tuck where Greg was struggling ( unsuccessfully) not to laugh hysterically….along with the departing waving stranger and everyone in the car park. DOH!!!!
Baby turkeys continue to hatch in the incubator. The oldest little heritage turkey is already getting wing feathers and attempting to fly, the youngest, hatched last night is fluffing up in the warming box. Momma turkey still donates an egg a day and must wonder where her big brown speckled offerings disappear to.
Greg just reported in with an update from the ranch. Turkeys hatching and hatched all fine, no incidents with the livestock and big brother John (still minus silly hat) has been despatched to mow the orchard. Alls’well.
I’ve got to go. Even on a good day I only have two fingers for typing, today I have only my left hand and I am very far from ambidextrous!!!
Take care, keep safe, M