Ice, snow and rain are clearly only weather for ducks….and farmers. At any time of the day when the weather is unfavourable, a cursory glance into the Chicken Shack will find rows of chickens hunkered down, feathers puffed, eyes fixed like a vulture watching for movement, ANY movement that might just give them a good reason to leave their perch and stage an uprising . Adolph the Rhode Island Red Rooster is currently not looking at his best, in fact, truth be told, poor Adolph is looking very hen pecked. His shiny copper and bronze feathers have mostly disappeared, his beautiful blue, black and green rooster tail is gone and his bright red wattle is evidence of battles lost and won. Fights with other roosters ?…. no, poor docile Adolph is constantly beaten up by his harem of hens. Sad and balding, Adolf the rooster still struts amongst his ladies unaware of his unimposing appearance and habitually attempting to maintain order.
Henrietta the little red chick had ALMOST made me change my opinion of chickens. At feeding time “she” had made herself my ankle wrap. Entry into the chicken shack is fraught with danger. As the creaky wooden door opens and I step up the 2 x4 balanced on two rotten logs, trying desperately not to release a cloud of chickens hell bent on a breakout, Henrietta flutters to my feet. As I walk, “she” is with me, and often I bend down to gently pick up the little, quietly clucking bird. For weeks I have spent time cultivating her friendship. Yesterday I allowed myself to accept the truth, Henrietta my new friend is in reality, Henry a young rooster and roosters don't usually stay around here very long. DOH !!!!
Well, the cuckoo clock has spoken and it’s time to get down to the barn. It’s raining today and different challenges to meet. Yesterday was a bitterly cold 27 degrees, frosty white and beautiful.
Take care, keep safe, M