We are back on baby watch…down in the sheep barn the ewes are unknowingly preparing for motherhood. Bodies are becoming larger by the hour, udders are swelling by the moment and clearly our ladies are wondering how on earth they got in this state. In a nearby pasture, Rodney the ram tests the passing breeze for hormonal changes. Standing leaning on the fence we watch for signs that Rodney has earned his dinner and that our newly constructed bonding pens will soon be fully occupied.
“This is THE best sleepover EVER !!!” enthused one hyperventilating, animated little body as she bounced up and down on the spot, strangely resembling the behaviour of the tiny goat kid currently tucked in a vice like grip in her arms. In the goat pen, Acorn the brown Lamancha doe disdainfully sniffs yet one more bread morsel offered by a tiny blonde in a puffy pink coat and Alicia solicits a carrot chunk from chubby little fingers too fearful to linger near her searching tongue. Bonny, Buster, Thumper and Peanut the goat kids ricochet from wall to wall, the ten little girls squeal and giggle and hopefully a memory has been made that will last a lifetime.
Time for me to sign off, the cuckoo clock tells me it’s bed time and Bran is waiting to go out and check on a tree or three. Take care, keep safe, M