I think we are on Winter storm four with another coming in from the Pacific…but who’s counting, there is a ton of snow on the ground, snow and ice on the cedar trees and just to make it a really perfect day, our electric fence system is grounded, dead as the proverbial do do. Somewhere in the 40 acres of pasture creek and woodland a branch or even a tree has very inconveniently fallen across the fenceline and it needed to be found. DOH…why oh why does it always happen when the weather is nasty, the snow is deep, it’s raining and the wind starts to blow.
Just to make the situation even more interesting, the netting over the chicken shack ( the two star chicken house as opposed to the much improved design of the four star version, the “Roost with a view”) had become engorged with snow and ice….it couldn’t take the weight and for Edgar the eagle the door is open to the fast food diner ! Priorities ??
Gertie the goose, alone out in the deep snow, missing the companionship of Quest appears to have gone into hiding. The horses are safe warm and dry in their stalls and the Canada Goose alone in the pasture hasn’t been seen. Hopefully Gertie has come to no harm, we will update the diary at first sight of her black grey and white feathers, promise.
Cody has had his Shire horse initiation..twice !! Working with the gentle giants you very quickly learn that putting toes under big big hooves hurts, really badly. Luckily no broken toes and a tough lesson learnt. Well done Cody !
Ginger one of our WOOFER interns has kindly agreed to be a guest editor for todays "Almost Daily Diary", it is always interesting to see another perspective on the daily events here on the ranch. Thank you Ginger. M............
Dawn. There are breaks in the sullen grey clouds exposing patches of nearly blue sky. After three days of constant rain, sleet and snow, the change is most welcome.
The horses were thrilled to be let out of their stalls. Roman frisked like a colt and kicked up his heels in his paddock. The sheep were all glad to get out, all except Lamb Chop. He lingered behind hoping for more carrot snacks.
As the sun came out it melted the coating of ice that had caused the collapse of the netting over the chicken yard. Greg and Cody repaired the damaged netting and after a bit, the chickens bravely ventured out for the first time in days. We can only hope that the exposure to sunlight increases their egg production.
My sympathies go out to the citizens of Auburn and Seattle, which are still reeling from the damage done by the ice storm. Many of these people are without power. We had a brief power outage for a few hours on Wednesday; Greg was just hooking up the generator when the power came back on. All in all we have fared well through the storm, we’ve been fortunate, but it is nothing to take for granted.
Take care, keep safe, M