Greg has been in charge of the ranch in my enforced absence and I don't know where anything is anymore ! The radio in the barn is like the breakfast bell for the barn cats, when the dulcit tones of Big D and Bubba on my favourite Country Channel are heard, all 3 cats abandon whatever cat activity they are engaged in ( sleeping ????) and, from all corners of the barn they converge expectantly on their food bowls. Being a creature of habit, on went the radio and shock radio channel had been changed, no longer country music eminating from the radio hiding under the dust towel....but ROCK , clearly I have been absent too long !!! Little wonder the mice have gone into hiding, possibly with the cats !. On opening the feed room door, I behold a new shelf has been constructed in exactly the manner and place that I have been requesting for the past 5 years....and miraculously, Greg has been doing my chores and the shelf has appeared ! The garbage ( rubbish ) bin has been in the same place for the past 6 years, it has always been convenient for me......and it has moved, Greg said it was "in the way " where I had is now back where it belongs. ( humph !!) My barn notice boards are there for a purpose,...should I need them, meanwhile ( since I haven't needed them for official purposes) my notice boards have thank you cards from happy customers, kindergarten masterpieces from tiny fans of our animal cuddle corner and quick quips from my sister Annie from all her visits over here. If I ever had to put a proper notice on the notice board, I would find room...somewhere ! Greg "tidied up" my notice board, my treasures have moved. ( BUT they will be back !!!) I went to chop up carrots in the barn kitchen where I always cut up carrots.....You've guessed it....we dont do it in here any more, use the food room ! ( DOUBLE HUMPH) . SO, I've been away from my duties for 5 weeks or three weeks however long, clearly it was WAY to long and it's a very good job I'm back !!! Thank you Cowboy for keeping the farm running ( your way ) thank you for taking such good care of all the livestock ( they do all still have 4 legs, a head and a tail) and most of all, thank you for taking such good care of me Greg, I know I'm not a perfect patient ( one hundred percent better patient than you are !!! smile) For anyone wondering if I'm upset, no, of course not.......'CAUSE IT'S ALL GOING BACK TO WHERE IT WAS BEFORE !!!
SHES Baaaaaaaaack
Take care keep safe, M