Tracks have again been found in the garden. Clearly our “friend” Doris the Destroyer is a better gardener than I am…..the first wave of raspberries had finally finished…ably assisted by the aforesaid Doris, a whole flock of sparrows and the odd crow who I have been a little cautious about upsetting. Somewhere…and it could have been anywhere, I heard/read that crows have memories and aren’t slow in returning retribution ten fold if they feel they..or their distant..distant family have been slighted. I try hard to ask them nicely to leave my raspberries grapes blueberries etc etc alone. We have been proactive in trying to persuade the garden predators to move on, next door has a nice garden !! ( sorry Sue). The 2012 A Team netted the garden..with much mumbling moaning and possibly cursing, (mental note to return the swear jar but, due to inflation and poverty, the 25c charge for infarctions will have to be a hefty 50c, that will cure the problem..or make me rich !!) The birds go under it, round it and through it. Doris apparently has little problem helping us to harvest the late Summer raspberries, how that dastardly deer circumvents our “deer proof” fence we have given up trying to guess.
There has apparently been some interest in why the team dug another hole and filled it in ( as if that wasn’t enough explanation around here !!) . The Stonehenge/cairn was built to protect a very old irrigation pipe that had been destroyed by erosion…sheep…probably Doris ..and just general old age. Water is once again flowing and our pastures and water troughs will be full and lush throughout the heat of the Summer.
Quatra has been busy ( in yet another hole!!). she is constructing a vault at the base of a water hydrant and has been in Quatra heaven cutting bricks and mixing mortar. Our hydrant vault is looking great and Quatra is is good.
Edward Carla and Sophie turned lumberjack and the sound of chainsaws and the growling of the saw mill resounded around the valley. Young Sophie quickly mastered the fine art of chopping wood and ultimately creating cedar boards from the logs she cut. Edward, already familiar and competent with the chainsaw busied himself practicing mountain climbing on the log pile, training for Iron man status, caber tossing and just to add a little interest to the afternoon a big log magically transformed into an “almost” portable cannon. Carla scratched her head and muttered at the chainsaw that clearly has a mind of it’s own, turning on and off at will…not good. Chainsaw discarded and our long term WOOFER turned to trying to catch the logs caber tossed by Edward high on the pile. It is amazing how the young people have turned what could be a chore into a whole bunch of fun and laughter.
Time to go, can’t see the barn out there…the mist is like pea soup…but the weather man said it would be HOT !!!
Take care, keep safe, M