One of our projects for the Woofers was to raise a variety of broiler chicken breeds, from 2 days old to processing, so that they could compare the commercial viability of the fast and slow growing birds. Lesley and Derek have come to a conclusion and we are pretty certain that it will be a lifetime memory…..they ALL smell, fast growers slow growers , red birds and black birds seem to poop equally efficiently as they eat and grow. The more they eat the more they poop and it’s bad! Saturday was processing day and L and D were enthusiastic to perfect the new skill that they could add to their resume. Confidently they rounded up the loudly objecting chickens, Wesley was looking a little (lot) less confident but prepared to give it a try and under Greg’s watchful eye the team got to work. All was not going to go smoothly, poor Derek had an attack of pollen poisoning ( allergies) and snuffled and sniffled miserably but soldiered on. Lesley suffered the revenge of the chicken and tried to add a little extra protein to the project. Happily she does still have all her digits, didn’t require a transfusion and was still smiling as she sported her bandaged finger at lunch time. Wesley is still with us this morning so I guess we didn’t frighten her off. Thanks team
Derek had a huge DOH moment when he very kindly locked up the old Ford truck but unfortunately locked up the truck keys in the vehicle. I almost think that the swear jar may have profited from the event but I guess I was mistaken,…not Derek.
Wesley got up close and personal with cantankerous Molly the milk cow as the Dexter munched on her dinner in the milk stand. Knowing Molly there was an ulterior motive but it was a cute moment and Wesley didn’t become part of the cows dinner.
The team, apart from Derek who was still snuffling and sneezing took to the saddle as the sun began to set. Lumpy Lady, beauty with attitude Charm and Roman who wants to be a bully but hasn’t yet perfected the art, set off up the farm road together. Lesley, Wesley and Greg all arrived back, still with their respective mounts so I guess the ride went well.
Well, the cuckoo clock hasn’t cuckooed the half hour yet but the team has disappeared to get ready for the day and Greg just informed me it is 7.22 so I guess I’m done for the day. Time to go, Take care, keep safe, M