Doris the Destroyer, the black tailed deer that has taken up residence on our ranch has apparently invited the neighbours to share her dining table,.everything in my orchard, vegetable garden and all my bedding plants ! A doe and two fawns were sighted sampling the delicacies which we have spent countless back breaking hours planting and weeding. Each bean sprout has been beheaded.(quality assurance, deer style I guess). The peas have been checked out and clearly were quite palatable because they have apparently revisited our smorgasbord, possibly as desert following the first course consisting of my pansies geraniums and fuscias and the family choice for entrée was my Rose of Sharon which was just coming into flower. It appears that a 10 foot fence is apparently the answer to my problems…what, on all 40 acres ?? There is (according to Google, after a frantic search on How to “persuade” Doris and co. to evict) an alternative (and no, the Dept.of Fish and Game did NOT advocate the use of a good, well aimed bullet)….TOLERANCE !!! You know what, tolerance has got old. Tolerance would be great if Doris and her dastardly deer friends restricted their munching to our forests and pastures, tolerance would be great if Doris and her associates didn’t break our fences and scare our livestock…but they don’t. I USED to love deer !!
Well, Holly one of our earlier and returning WOOFERS has just arrived, Carla has appeared ( it seems that there was no chance of rain so she didn’t use the rain sheet…DOH !!) Quatra had changed her schedule to be here for the hay which now isn’t going to be and Mom Sikora leaves today. I’d better sign off and get this Diary of despair posted. Take care, keep safe, M