Regardless of Arctic conditions poor Bran the Border Collie has to get to the vet. A dog with toothache is really sad. Luckily we checked his mouth…even luckier he let us check his mouth ! it could have been nasty. We will keep you updated, hopefully the vet doesn’t try to fit a denture…not sure the cheque book could take that.
Gertie the goose got to the stall door again yesterday after the evening process from the pasture to the stall. It’s possibly a good thing she doesn’t try to partake on Quest’s gourmet grain….he’s not good on sharing. It is hoped that Gertie doesn’t try to take a quick swim today, those webbed goose feet aren’t designed for ice skating.
Time to go, keep safe, keep warm, take care, M
Please visit the “Hope for Georgia” page, try to understand this debilitating syndrome and if you could, please donate towards much needed research. Thank you. M