· As our equine boarders, warm and snug in their stalls tuck into their breakfast, the ranch team gets to work on the morning chores. A rattle of keys sends Bran straight to the four wheeler ready for the hay run out to the pastures. Before Greg has the trailer loaded, the black and white collie is already in position, head cocked, ears pricked and tail waving like a banner perched on the front of the quad. As the key turns in the ignition Bran is poised, ready and eager to ride, butt up into Greg's face, nose pointed into the wind, the faster the quad takes the bumps the faster the tail wags, the sharper the turns, the more the dog bends and weaves like a surfer riding the white waves. Occasionally Bran will take a tumble, like a rubber ball he bounces to the ground with indignation and without hesitation scrambles back up onto his vantage point on the front of the quad. Clearly, bouncing off the quad may not be recommended for our canine friend's well being and with Bran's safety at risk, Greg went to work inventing a deluxe carpeted surf board for the dog with a need for speed which sits squarely between the plastic steer horns on our customized red neck quad. The new appendage to the quad not only keeps Bran a little safer, it multi functions !....Tiger and Shy have a new comfortable carpeted cat nap spot for those cold Winter nights.
· Well, while the East Coast is suffering a deep freeze, the heavens have opened over the Pacific North west. The rain started to fall yesterday and hasn't yet stopped. No strangers to initiative, we recognized the potential advantage of the constant downpour and, since our barn washing machine took early retirement , since the horse blankets were really in urgent need of laundering, and since water from the sky was not in short supply, we improvised and our new hi-tech wash system was conceived. Spin drying is a little more of a challenge....but a gate sheltered by the barn is a convenient drying rack and there will be no utility bill. Greg's a happy rancher !!! Tight wad....who...Greg?
Time for me to get this entry posted, take care, keep safe and dry. M