Macho the buck apparently tired of the company of Daisy may and lamb Chop, actually fairly understandably. Currently Daisy is a bit miserable and a LOT loud as she is experiencing her monthly quest for the bull that will never come and Lamb Chop, well, Lamb Chop just never smells too good due to his rear end issue. Macho decided an unauthorised check out Wilbur the Terrible who, having checked out of his previous accommodation is currently in temporary lodgings here at the ranch. Macho decided to use the pile of railroad ties to give him a vantage point to climb and drop in on the new hairy occupant in the adjoining pasture. From all accounts, Wilbur was unimpressed by the strange new companion and Macho the buck apparently even more unimpressed by his very hairy new companion with the strange haircut. Mica unconcerned by any attempts at intimidation from the pony evicted the buck unceremoniously from Wilbur’s pasture.
Derrick and Lesley survived a day under Greg’s instruction and came up to the house wet and tired but happy and smiling. It is going to be fun taking them through the experiences of the ranch over the next two months. Jasper took a huge leap of faith yesterday and walked Lady back from her pasture. Jasper has been a very helpful member of the ranch man team and has never refused a project but from the first moment, the Shire horses were considered with more than a little trepidation. I was SO proud of him but….since I was under house arrest and Mica wasn’t there the camera didn’t catch the moment. There’s always today ….maybe!
Quick update on the chicks, there are now 5…one not looking too sprightly but it’s still cheeping so where there’s a cheep there’s hope!
Well, it’s time to go, take care, keep safe, M