This weekend the ranch is hosting the Boeing ( Nimrod UK) reunion, we are really looking forward to seeing people we haven't seen for several our other life !! It is hard to remember the time we used to get up, shower, shave ( no, not me, Greg !!!) and then join the rat race down the freeway (motorway Brits ) for another day in the office. Corporate clothes, corporate lunches...not any more ! We still take the shower (smile) eau de buck is not the most endearing smell, unless you are a goat and we do seem to gather a collection of odours during the course of the day. I always know it's bad when the big horses refuse to take a treat after sniffing my hand !! ( normally they would sell their souls for a carrot !) Clocking on is no more....we still have to be on time but our time clock is now the cows tummys and the whole Penninsula would know if we are late. Roosters and goats are also very vocal, it's a lie that roosters call in the dawn, they crow ALL THE TIME and goats just winge because they can. The shires wait patiently for their food, Charm the Arab/quarter horse ( beauty with attitude) doesn't have patience in his DNA and Destiny whickers away for anyone listening before we even open the gate. The new and very loud voice on the ranch belongs to the little calf, Daisy Mae, that girl can bawl !! I guess, on thinking about it, we have the same dynamics as the office, we have the noisy, complaining, never satisfied animals and the quiet, contented compliant ones. Just like the office, we have the mundane jobs (mucking out) followed by the more fun ones, and we have the business meetings ( generally when I have an idea and Greg is half asleep, always the best time !). That being said....the similarities end, we are as happy as cows in clover, pigs in muck and we have no regrets. Time to go again, thank you all for your comments, thanks especially to Curt, I SO look forward to m