In the hen house poor old Adolf the Rhode Island Red rooster, minus his previously flamboyant red gold and green tail feathers hides on the top perch or concealed in the depths of a dark nest box. Under siege from his former harem and not tolerated by Ernie and Tux the two younger and more aggressive roosters, Adolf has chosen to be a hen.
Yesterday Tom the mature heritage turkey apparently took a dislike to an adolescent broad breasted turkey. A cacophony of turkey calls and a crush of black grey and white feathers alerted us to the barn yard brawl. The poor embattled young turkey tried to escape the persistent aggression, tried to blend in with all the other birds…tried to disappear but Tom, snood elongated and his head colour ranging from white to blue, pink and red was not going to allow his more placid victim to avoid his unwelcome attention.
Tiger the little tabby cat won’t allow his larger sibling to eat first and even on the ranch pond the Canada geese have declared territorial rights over the smaller mallard ducks.
Fortunately the bullying doesn’t extend to the two legged occupants of the ranch. Robyn our newest WOOFER arrived on Sunday evening and has quickly made friends with the barn residents. Robyn will be with us for three weeks, hopefully during that time she will become familiar with the wide variety of skills that Greg is keen to share with her. Over the past couple of days she has been helping to build the second barn door which, with the door built by Greg and Christina will help to keep out the Winter wind rain hail and snow. Talking of Winter weather…..another storm is threatening the pacific North West. Another bad hair day, DOH !!!!
Take care keep safe and dry. M