Barney the currently celibate ram and his woolly ladies have been suffering in the intense heat of our very unusually warm, dry, Pacific North West Spring. This week, all four were unceremoniously loaded into our less than luxurious stock trailer for a scheduled road trip. Our four over heating sheep were ( to put it mildly !) reluctant to leave the safety of their cedar barn and, with a little (lot) of gentle coercion....(Greg pulled, Erin and Jim pushed and I heaved) were safely installed in the trailer and unsuspectingly heading to a local farm for a drastic hair cut. Pushing pulling and heaving was repeated all over again and within moments, their heavy woolen fleeces were piling on the barn floor and our ladies were NAKED...and cool. Barney the ram was less than impressed by all the attention and has, for several days been bound and determined to make us pay for the indignity of baring all (and a little bit more !) to the world. Thank you Erin and Jim for risking life and limb in "Operation Makeover". All in a day's work ( or maybe not !!) here on the ranch.
Take care, keep safe, M