My weekend started at the Blue Willow Lavender Farm where I had a vendors stall and my book “Gertie and Quest, a true story” has found it’s way into other children’s hearts and library shelves. There, in fields of blue, lilac and white waving lavender plants I was able to share the beauty of the farm with the hundreds of visitors who wound their way through the flower beds. Thank you Bill and Tracy for letting me share your weekend and to all the lovely guests who spent time visiting with me.
Back on the ranch, Greg Anna and Katie were initially busy preparing for the Mountain Men’s arrival and subsequently ensuring that our re-en-actors weren't lonely ! Both Anna and Katie shot a black powder rifle kindly loaned by a member and Katie discovered a skill that she didn't know she had…..if Katie has an axe in her hand, please don’t upset her ! Karen thoughtfully provided Katie and I with outfits appropriate for the occasion and Patrick rooted in an old trunk for a shirt which took Greg back in time. The evenings found us around the camp fire where our new friends were happy to ensure that re living the lives of our forefathers was an enlightening and fun experience….oh and our glasses were never empty !
Thank you SO much for letting us share your endless stories and your knowledge, your dedication is an inspiration. WE loved you all.
Time to get back to July 2013…there’s a barn full of animals waiting to be fed. Take care, keep safe and cool, M