Thumper and Peanut are nearly a week old now. Feeding time in the goat pen is both a necessary chore and the highlight (s) of our day. From the moment we enter the goat zone with two plastic Pepsi bottles topped with grey rubber teats ( wonder why grey ??) we are pounced on, rubbed on, sat on and chewed. Whilst Acorn and Alicia search pockets for treat morsels, Bonny and Buster bounce from wall to wall, through us and over us. One little kid industriously chews my shoe laces whilst the other investigates the possibilities of making my hair dinner and the abandoned twins suck so hard their plastic bottles implode and satiated they collapse in little brown heaps .
Yes, we have a 15 hour day…every day, 7 days a week, but I know I speak for us both, we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Got to go….it’s bedtime. Take care, keep safe, M